Thursday, March 4, 2010


Nothing new to report... just checking in. We are doing good. I figured it was past due to do another post... Blah, blah, blah!

Well, come to think of it, I suppose there have been a few developments. During the Olympics our TV was pretty much always tuned in to watch the games. While watching, we caught a few rounds of curling. I had never really taken a moment to understand the rules and watch how it is played. I started thinking that it looked kind of fun! Well I got online to see if there were any local curling clubs and it so happens that the Cache Valley Stone Society was just gearing up for the season! They had a clinic on Monday night so Levi and I decided to go check it out. We really had a good time! We got to try all the aspects of curling. It takes practice to get good at it, but it isn't too hard to catch on! I didn't even fall on the ice (although there were a few near misses)! One thing I really like about it is that strategy is large part of the game. Levi of course picked up on it right away. He beats me at EVERYTHING! Gah! He did say he was surprised at how well I picked it up though (I think that was a compliment?).We are trying to decide if we should join the league.... so stay tuned!

I am anxiously awaiting spring! I need to feel the sun on my face! I need to feel the promise of no snow in the air! I need the beautiful blossoms! I need, need, need spring to get me out of this slump! Oh fair spring... please don't keep my devoted heart waiting much longer! I can't wait to snuggle up with you and whisper sweet nothings in your ear! I wait with bated breath for you and only you! XOXOXO P.S. I love you!

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