Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ebenezer, you are my kind of man!

Bah-freaking-humbug! Isn't it horrible? I am most definitely not in the Christmas spirit this year. It's weird, I want to be in the spirit, but I'm just not. I really know that I have so much to be grateful for. I have a good job and work with wonderful people. I have amazing friends. My family is awesome. My husband is my best friend. I have a roof over my head. And yet, I am in a funk. A baby funk. Instead of a monkey on my back I have a big giant BABY on my back. I know I am supposed to be patient. I try to have a positive attitude about it all. I know that nobody wants to hear a big whiner. But right now it seems that all the world is pregnant or has a baby. I keep telling myself that things happen for a reason and when this is all over I will know why I had to have this trial. But that doesn't always help in the here and now. I feel totally crazy because I want it so bad. It is biological I tell you! I am trying to have hope and be positive, relax and not obsess. All I have to say is that it's a good thing that last year I didn't know I would still be at square one a year later. Right now all I have is hope. That's it. Plain and simple. So there you have it. I have effectively vented. They don't call it a Pity Patty Party for nothing!