Tuesday, July 22, 2008

My friends and I are a BIG DEAL!

Okay, so we are totally grown up and responsible. Can't you see it written all over our faces?

You don't want to mess with us because because we are a force to be reckoned with!

However, we can be soooo sweet when we get what we want!

(Thanks girls for all the giggles!)


Kacie and Jake C. said...

You're so silly!

Reeders said...

Ahh so cute! Thank you for the giggles!

Mandy said...

Hi Tricia! Long time, no see. I was happy to hear from you out of the blue. What is your email address?

Sar and Dan said...

You are sooo right...we are a big deal and you better not forget it!!! (thank you for all the giggles)