Wednesday, July 29, 2009

There's a V.I.P. in my family!

I am very proud to announce the much anticipated arrival of a special little person in my life. Her name is Adalyn Lila and she is the first grand-daughter in our family. My brother Aaron and his wife Leah welcomed her on July 28th at 2 am. As you might have guessed, I could not help myself and had to rush down and get a glimpse of her with my own eyes! She is absolutely scrumptious and I can't wait to be her FAVORITE Aunt! (So take that Cic & Kenz!) She has a beautiful full head of hair and is all cheeks! The poor little turtle takes after her Daddy and has no neck, just rolls and rolls of skin.

On a side note, I have to tell everyone what a special person little Adalyn's mommy is. She has really been a blessing in our family. Leah is one of the most sweet natured and easygoing people. She does not have a mean bone in her body, but do not be deceived, she has a backbone! She keeps my brother in line! She is so thoughtful and is going to be an amazing mother!!!!! My only regret is that we don't live closer! She is definitely a kindred spirit! I hate to say it, but if anything "happens" to them, Aaron is sooooo screwed, cause I think we'll all keep Leah and get rid of him! (Just kidding Aaron... we all know you would never be dumb enough to mess things up! LOL!)


Reeders said...

She is sooooo beautiful!!! And Leah sucks because she looks so great! :)

Jana said...

Cute! Cute! I think you meant she was born July 28th right? :) Congrats.. she's adorable.

Mandy said...

Now that is a cute baby. Usually it takes a few weeks for the cuteness to come. How exciting. Congrats to your family! She is very lucky to have such a great aunt Trish.